We were able to go see Megan's Thanksgiving program at school and Thanksgiving feast. It was really fun and she did a great job! Boyd and his family always do a Thanksgiving football game. This year it was the donkeys vs. the armadillos! I think they had a lot of fun...even though Boyd's team lost! It was all because Boyd has a broken wrist...we think! We decided to bless Bella over Thanksgiving weekend while all of our family was already up. It was a beautiful blessing, and she looked so cute! I am so thankful our Heavenly Father sent her to us. We are so grateful to be her parents and hope we can raise her with a strong testimony of the gospel.
Have you ever been truly exhausted? I feel like I can truly say that I am exhausted. Brooke was up all night throwing up. I was up changing bedding, bathing Brooke (because she kept throwing up all over herself), and feeding Bella all night! The most frustrating thing is I was so tired last night, I was hoping for a good night sleep! HA HA!! Today has been fun too! Brooke has been throwing up all morning, and is seriously sooo sick! She won't even sit up. I am so scared of Bella getting it. And I am sure Megan and Micah will be throwing up soon! Yah! I love the winter months and all the sicknesses that come with it! I am not in a great mood as you could probably tell! I am tired and cranky! Hopefully we will be all better by Thanksgiving!
Oh...the joys of a sleeping baby! This picture made me laugh. It looks like she is saying, "Duh." And the one below I could not get her to take a nap all day, finally I put her on top of the dryer and she fell to sleep...and slept for about 4 hours. Few! The dryer is my new best friend! I know you aren't suppose to sleep a baby on her stomach, but I only do it when I am awake and right by her. Sometimes her tummy hurts so bad, this is the only way to get her to calm down!
The other day I went to Smiths and bought $160 worth of groceries and after coupons I paid only $8.00. I was so excited when he hit the total button. I have never done this good before...in a way I felt sort of guilty walking out of there with a cart full and only paying a few dollars for it. I could hardly wait to get home to show Boyd and the kids! I think Boyd was excited about this shopping trip too! Anyway, just thought I would share my great deal!
I had a really bad night with Bella last night and Micah and Brooke have been sick, so when I got up I was super tired and obviously not thinking clearly. Well, I changed Brooke and put her pajama bottoms back on and went into the kitchen and I hear her saying, "Mommy I can't walk." I about died laughing when she came walking or attempting to walk into the kitchen. I can't believe I put both of her legs in one pant leg and didn't even notice. I guess the lack of sleep is catching up to me!
Here was Bella's first bath. She wasn't quite sure what to think of it. After a few minutes she started crying and wanted out. I can't believe she is already 1 month old. Why doesn't pregnancy go this fast. The pregnancy always drags out and then I have the baby and time goes way too fast. Does anyone else feel this way?
Here are some pictures of the kids on Halloween. They seemed to have a lot of fun...and the weather was perfect! I was actually surprised that it wasn't freezing outside! We had a fun dinner the night before with Homemade root beer and mummy dogs. It was really fun, then the night on Halloween we went to the trunk or treat and hit our neighborhood. We got way too much candy...it might find its way to the garbage!!!
I am a stay at home mom of 5. I have been married to a wonderful man for 12 years! I love to craft, scrapbook, paint, cook, create, you name it! I hope to share some of my ideas and things that I have created! I hope you enjoy!