Thursday, April 21, 2011

What we have been up to lately!

So we have been super busy lately with home repairs and normal everyday life...which keeps us super busy in and of itself.

We have recently remodeled our bathroom...which I absolutely love!!!
If you want to see more on the bathroom click Here
I have done an entire post about it on my craft blog!

Brooke and Bella being cute

Bella absolutely loves outside, she would spend the entire day outside if I let her!

Fallen asleep while having lunch!
I feel like that too often!! cute!!!
I love those faces!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Finally.....some pictures!

So today I got in trouble for never updating this blog!
I really do feel bad about it....but trying to keep up on a craft blog, family blog, and be a half decent wife and mother is a lot!! It actually has me going 100% all the time...which isn't a bad thing, just busy!
So anyway, I thought I had better post some pictures....I went through and uploaded the most recent pics I have taken. I feel bad because I have a lot of Brooke and Bella, but not so many of Megan and Micah, I guess I need to be better about taking pictures of the older kids.

Anyway, these pictures were taken because Megan was modeling a necklace I made!

Isn't she cute!!

Micah playing Jr. Jazz! He was kinda timid, but I think he liked it and he did make several shots this year! This was his first year playing!

This picture was taken on Brooke's birthday...It was so funny because I painted the girls faces and Megan decided to paint Micah's face.....and the paint wouldn't come off!

Micah went to school with a pink face....someone made fun of him.....he cried....they got in trouble...Micah felt better!!!

This is Brooke's carebear birthday party! It really turned out cute and the girls had a fun time!

Brooke's cute face!

My big 4 year old!

The birthday cake

I couldn't resist putting this one on! She is doing her chores...oh that chubby body is just too cute!

The birthday girl again...

This was the first time I put piggies in Bella's hair.
We all thought she looked so cute!!!!

Don't look at my messy fridge!!!

So cute...I just love that face!!!

And that's all folks....check back in another month!!!
Just kidding, I promise Kristi, I will try and do better....I promise!!!

About Me

My photo
I am a stay at home mom of 5. I have been married to a wonderful man for 12 years! I love to craft, scrapbook, paint, cook, create, you name it! I hope to share some of my ideas and things that I have created! I hope you enjoy!